March 11, 2022


Reading Time: 1 minute

Last Wednesday the III Congreso Nacional Dependencia y Sanidad by Alimarket “Developing the Care of the Future” which we have had the pleasure of attending.

Almost 800 professionals attended the event, held on 7, 8 and 9th March at IFEMA (Madrid) within the framework of HIP.

With 40 exhibitors, 16 individual presentations and four round tables, led by professionals from the sector.

Focusing on the demographic trend we are facing, the professionals addressed various topics of interest in the three days of the congress, including:

  • The diversification of Care Services
  • The Humanisation, Professionalisation and Socialisation of the current Model with New Housing Proposals for Coexistence such as residences 5.2. or Senior Cohousing
  • The challenges and benefits of Home Care
  • Methodological alternatives in the ACP (Person-Centred Care) model -> ADP (Person-Directed Care)
  • Digital innovation, technological change driven by the pandemic and the usefulness of the analysis of the data produced – Big Data
  • Transparency for citizens and for Administrations, Communicate more to improve the general Perception of the Sector
  • End-of-Life Care
  • Sustainable growth
  • Mental Health and Specialised Services
  • Tailor-Made Care, Personalisation and Adaptability of processes to users
  • RSESee you next year at an unmissable event in the sector.

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